The Legend of Heroes VI - Sora no Kiseki takes place in Liberl Kingdom, 10 years after the great invasion of Erebonian Empire from the north. Currently it is being governed by the old queen Alicia II and restored back to its peaceful state before the war. Currently the kingdom thrives of materials and high technology which is eyed closely by the Erebonian Empire.
The main character is Estelle Bright, daughter of Cassius Bright who is a legend within the kingdom. Estelle is completely ignorant of her father's past and history but settles comfortably in the house at Rolent. When she was at a young age, her father was assaulted by a young child of amazing combat abilities but loses his memory in the fight and becomes adopted by Cassius. This child was named Joshua Bright and is the main male character of the story. From there Estelle was taught the usage of staff and starts off the story on the day when she is going to join the Bracer's guild with Joshua.
The story progresses as normal Bracer's guild quests unveiling the dark side of the government, a faction of the army that decides to overthrow the old queen. This eventually lead to the exploration of the ancient facilities in the Liberl Kingdom... and it turns out that the manager of the army was just being used by a mastermind who's an adept at controlling people's minds. This also leads on to the second story, with Joshua's past unveiling in the ending.
Let's take a look at the opening of the Second Chapter...
2007年12月19日 星期三
張貼留言 (Atom)
2 則留言:
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Stihl Chainsaws
Morocco Blogs
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(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4[/url] InterPost)